SpecChem > Products > MVM Prime 5000

MVM Prime 5000

Alkali-resistant, epoxy moisture control barrier/primer

MVM Prime 5000 is a two-component, 100% solids epoxy moisture barrier system designed to effectively halt moisture vapor-related issues on concrete before the installation of SpecChem underlayments or overlayments. It also provides an excellent bond to concrete and can be applied to concrete as early as 5 days old, where early application of floor covering is essential.

  • One-coat epoxy system that is easy to spread and provides excellent coverage.
  • VOC compliant with zero grams per liter VOC.
  • Reduces moisture vapor for floor coverings and has an ASTM E 96 rating of 0.06 perms at 14 mils.
  • Provides excellent bond strength to concrete.

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet


  • Prevents moisture-related problems with floor coverings over concrete floors.
  • Serves as an excellent primer for SpecChem Underlayments/Overlayments.

Concrete Surface Preparation:

  • New concrete must be at least 5 days old with all curing compounds and sealers removed, and possess a minimum tensile strength of 150 psi.
  • Existing concrete must be clean, dry, and sound. Remove all contaminants such as oil, dirt, and unsound concrete.
  • Concrete surfaces must be mechanically prepared to a minimum ICRI CSP of 3. Acid etching is not acceptable.


  • Condition all materials to a temperature range of 65°F to 85°F.
  • Mix Parts A and B separately for one minute using a drill and mixing prop, then combine and mix for an additional 3 minutes to ensure proper chemical reaction.


  • Spread with a squeegee or notched squeegee and back-roll with a roller to improve bond and reduce surface imperfections.
  • While still fresh, broadcast clean/dry sand over the application to create an ideal bonding surface for underlayment or overlayment systems.


  • Available in 3-gallon units (two 1-gallon Part A resin and one 1-gallon Part B hardener) and 15-gallon units.

Shelf Life

  • Two years from the date of manufacture when stored properly in original, unopened containers in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight.


  • Coverage rate is approximately 75-125 sq-ft per gallon, depending on the texture of the concrete surface.

Test Data

  • Set Time at 70°F (ASTM C266): Initial Set: 12 minutes, Final Set: 15 minutes.
  • Compressive Strength (ASTM C109):
    • 1 hour: 3500 psi
    • 1 day: 5400 psi
    • 7 days: 6200 psi
    • 28 days: 7100 psi


  • MVM PRIME 5000 is USDA accepted.