SpecChem > Products > SC Cure 500

SC Cure 500 Green Conscious Product

Concrete curing compound

SC Cure 500 is a leading-edge technology, concrete curing compound that was developed to cure hard-troweled concrete to be treated with a lithium silicate hardener/densifiers like LithSeal SC.

SC Cure 500 penetrates and forms a temporary membrane to cure, densify, harden, and dustproof concrete essential for proper strength development.

Should SC Cure 500 be over-applied or left to dry on the surface of hard trowel concrete surfaces, the surface membrane becomes brittle and is easily removed with a stiff broom or light abrasion. Once the surface has been cleaned, lithium hardeners can be applied within 7 days.

SC Cure 500 meets the moisture retention of ASTM C309 on hard-troweled concrete surfaces.

  • Contains VOC’s = 0 grams/liter
  • Non-flammable/USDA accepted/odorless
  • Will not inhibit adhesion of secondary coatings, topping, or adhesives designed for concrete
  • Compatible with integrally colored concrete
  • Cost-effective alternative to water cure or resin-based curing compounds
  • Sealer/Densifiers can be applied in 5-7 days
  • Non-yellowing, will not stain or alter natural color concrete
  • Certified for use to cure potable water structures

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet