SC Foundation Coating 
Cement-based foundation coating
SC Foundation Coating is a polymer-modified, cement-based waterproofing coating designed to provide superior water resistance for concrete and masonry substrates. This product is formulated for waterproofing the exterior surfaces of below-grade concrete and masonry, effectively sealing internal voids while maintaining full breathability.
- Waterproofs both interior and exterior, above and below-grade masonry and concrete surfaces.
- Applicable on concrete block, brick, stone, precast, and formed concrete.
- Suitable for both positive and negative side applications when hydrostatic pressure is low.

Surface Preparation: Ensure the surface is structurally sound, clean, and free of dirt, release agents, efflorescence, curing compounds, laitance, and other contaminants. Remove form marks and other protrusions to prevent “show through.” Repair surface defects, including cracks and voids, using SC Foundation Coating mixed to a mortar consistency. Cut back wires by at least 3/4” and repair with SpecPatch or SpecPlug. Pre-dampen the surface with clean water immediately before applying SC Foundation Coating.
Mixing: SC Foundation Coating must be mixed mechanically using a slow-speed mixer to thoroughly disperse the ingredients for about three minutes, avoiding over-mixing.
- Start by pouring approximately half of the required two gallons of liquid into a clean container and begin mixing at a slow speed.
- Gradually add SC Foundation Coating and an admixture (water or Acrylic Bonder) as needed to achieve a heavy, pancake batter consistency.
- Allow the mixture to ‘fatten’ for ten minutes, then remix and adjust the consistency as necessary.
Application Techniques:
- Hand Brush: Apply with a six-inch cement mason’s brush using long, smooth horizontal strokes. Ensure sufficient material is applied to fill voids, with final strokes in one direction to produce an even texture and finish.
- Push Broom: Dip a Tampico bristle push broom into the product mix and apply using long, even strokes. Ensure to fill all voids, lifting the brush at the end of each stroke.
- Spray: Utilize heavy-duty spray equipment capable of handling cement-based products.
- Trowel: Necessary for severe water pressure conditions, ensuring a consistent application.
- Packaged in 50 lb bags, with approximately 225 – 450 sq-ft coverage per bag per coat.
Shelf Life
- 12 months when stored in a dry, cool area away from direct sunlight.
Test Data
- Initial Set (ASTM C266): 12 minutes
- Final Set (ASTM C266): 90 minutes
- Compressive Strength (ASTM C109):
- 7 days: 3,900 psi
- 28 days: 6,000 psi
- Flexural Strength (ASTM C348):
- 7 days: 350 psi
- 28 days: 1,000 psi