SpecChem > Products > SpecCrete Plus SCC

SpecCrete Plus SCC

Self-consolidating, shrinkage compensating concrete with corrosion inhibitor & fibers.

SpecCrete Plus SCC is a single-component, self-consolidating, shrinkage-compensated, polymer-modified concrete with integral corrosion inhibitors and fibers. This product is designed for deep vertical or horizontal repairs, offering superior durability and performance. It is ideal for challenging applications in industrial plants, bridges, parking facilities, balconies, and other areas requiring durable concrete repairs.

  • Self-consolidating and does not require troweling.
  • Can be applied in full depth up to 12 inches.
  • Formulated for easy placement and pumpability.
  • Produces a smooth, blemish-free surface suitable for various finishes.
  • Long working time of 20-30 minutes at 70°F.
  • High early strength and complies with ASTM C 928.

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet


Surface Preparation:

  • Ensure the concrete is sound and free from oil, grease, dust, laitance, or other surface contaminants.
  • Saw cut the perimeter of the repair area 1/8” deeper than the repair depth to create a notched, reinforced edge.
  • The concrete surface must be mechanically abraded to a minimum CSP 5, as per ICRI 310.2 guidelines, and kept in a saturated-surface-damp (SSD) condition with no standing water.

Priming/Scrub Coat:

  • Clean all exposed steel reinforcing from rust.
  • Use SpecPrep SB for priming; apply with a spray or brush and apply the repair mortar wet on wet within the recommended open time.


  • Mix approximately 2.5 quarts of clean water per 50-pound bag of SpecCrete Plus SCC using a low-speed drill.
  • Add the water to the container first, followed by the SpecCrete Plus SCC powder.
  • Mix for 2-3 minutes until smooth; do not overmix.


  • Trowel or screed SpecCrete Plus SCC into the prepared area, ensuring good contact with the substrate.
  • Level the material with the surrounding concrete and allow it to take an initial set before finishing by hand trowelling.


  • SpecCrete Plus SCC is self-curing under most conditions. In severe drying conditions, use a water-based ASTM C-309 compliant curing compound.


  • Available in 50 lb bags and 3000 lb super sacks.

Shelf Life

  • 12 months when stored in a dry facility away from direct sunlight. Excessive temperature differential or high humidity may shorten shelf life.

Test Data

  • Set Time at 70°F (ASTM C-191): Initial 35 minutes, Final 45 minutes.
  • Compressive Strength (ASTM C-109):
    • 3 hours: 3400 psi
    • 1 day: 5850 psi
    • 7 days: 7750 psi
    • 28 days: 9475 psi
  • Bond Strength (ASTM C-882): 1975 psi at 28 days
  • Flexural Strength (AASHTO T97): 700 psi
  • Chloride Permeability (ASTM C-1202): 1150 coulombs
  • Shrinkage (ASTM C-157): Less than 0.05% at 28 days