SpecPoxy HSHV
High-performance, moisture-insensitive, structural gel epoxy for anchoring applications in concrete, block, brick, or stone.
SpecPoxy HSHV is a two-component, moisture-insensitive, high-modulus, structural epoxy bonding gel. It is a 100% solids, solvent-free, low-odor, high-strength, non-sag adhesive specifically formulated for anchoring applications in concrete.
High-strength gel adhesive for vertical and overhead applications
Moisture-insensitive; suitable for dry or water-saturated conditions
VOC Content = 0 g/L (compliant with low-emission standards)
Ideal for anchoring bolts, dowels, and reinforcing steel
Works in concrete, block, brick, and stone
Solvent-free and low-odor formulation
Meets major DOT and ASTM specifications

Surface Preparation: All bonding surfaces must be clean and structurally sound. Remove oil, grease, laitance, dirt, and contaminants by mechanical means such as sandblasting or hydroblasting. Clean drilled holes with a nylon brush and oil-free compressed air. Ensure bolts, rebar, or threaded rod are clean.
Mixing: Precondition cartridges to 75°F. For cartridges, material is mixed via a static mixing nozzle. Dispense until a uniform grey color (no streaks) is achieved.
Hole depth = ~9x bolt diameter
Hole diameter = 1/8” larger than bolt diameter
Dispense from the bottom of the hole, filling approx. 5/8 of its depth
Insert anchor slowly, rotating for even distribution
Do not disturb until cured
- 22 oz. dual cartridge
- 51 oz. dual cartridge
- 10 gallon kits
Shelf Life
Two years when stored in original, unopened containers in clean, dry conditions. Avoid contamination with moisture or debris.
Coverage depends on hole size and embedment depth. See pullout test data below for guidance on typical embedments.
Anchoring of bolts, dowels, and reinforcing steel
Structural bonding and patching in vertical or overhead positions
Suitable for concrete, block, brick, or stone installations
Test Data
Initial Cure: 4 hours
Final Cure: 3 days
Compressive Strength (ASTM D695): 14,500 psi
Compressive Modulus: 505,000 psi
Bond Strength (ASTM C882):
@ 2 days: 2,910 psi
@ 14 days: 3,550 psi
Tensile Strength (ASTM D638): 7,590 psi
Elongation (ASTM D638): 1.0%
Water Absorption (ASTM D570): < 0.2%
Linear Shrinkage (ASTM C531): 0.003%
Heat Deflection (ASTM D648): 155°F
Mix Ratio: 1:1
Mixed Color: Gray
Viscosity: Gel/Paste
Gel Time (ASTM D2471): 18 minutes
Florida DOT Section 937 Pullout Test – Grade B7 5/8” Rod
Condition | Avg. Bond Strength (psi) | Mode of Failure |
Confined Tension | 3,101 | Concrete |
Confined Damp Hole | 2,962 | Concrete |
Elevated Temp | 3,121 | Concrete |
Horizontal Orientation | 2,642 | Concrete |
Short Term (24 hrs) | 2,770 | Concrete |
Unconfined (16x102mm) | 2,404 | Concrete |
Unconfined (16x152mm) | 2,444 | Concrete |
Unconfined, Larger Rod | 2,642 | Concrete |
Unconfined after Creep | 2,767 | Concrete |
Meets ASTM C881 & AASHTO M 235, Type I, II, IV, and V, Grade 3, Classes B & C
Complies with Florida DOT Section 937 Type HSHV
Uncured material can be cleaned with SpecChem Orange Peel, Berry Clean, or approved solvents. Cured material must be removed mechanically.