SpecPoxy Sealer
70% solids penetrating epoxy sealer
SpecPoxy Sealer is a high-solids, two-component, low viscosity penetrating epoxy sealer designed to protect both new and existing concrete against deicing salts and chemical attack. It penetrates concrete pores to form a sub-surface seal that resists the penetration of liquids, chloride ions, and chemicals. Additionally, its low viscosity makes it an excellent solution for healing and sealing deteriorated concrete surfaces.
- Easy 1 to 1 mix ratio
- Penetrates concrete to seal against liquid absorption
- Offers excellent resistance to a variety of chemicals
- Cures to an amber color
- Easy to apply by brush, roller, squeegee, or sprayer
- Structurally restores concrete surfaces

Surface Preparation:
- New concrete must be a minimum of 21-28 days old with all curing compounds and sealers removed.
- Concrete must be clean, dry, and sound. Remove all oil, dirt, debris, paint, and unsound concrete.
- For hard troweled surfaces, a test section is recommended to determine if additional surface profiling (such as shotblasting or etching) is required.
- Condition materials to a temperature of 55°F to 80°F.
- Mix Parts A and B separately for one minute using a drill and mixing prop, then mix together for 3 minutes to ensure a proper chemical reaction.
- Apply by squeegee, roller, or industrial sprayer.
- For sealing hairline cracks, flood coat the surface and let the material pool over cracked areas for 5 minutes to ensure the cracks are filled.
- Squeegee or broom away any excess material from the surface.
- For improved skid-resistance, broadcast clean dry silica sand immediately after excess sealer has been removed. After initial cure, remove excess sand.
- Available in 2-gallon units, 10-gallon units, and 110-gallon units.
Shelf Life
- Store in original containers, tightly closed. Do not allow the accumulation of water, dirt, or other contaminants. Shelf life is two years from the date of manufacture when stored properly.
Primary Applications
- Bridge decks and parking decks
- Auto/truck repair bays
- Concrete crack healer and dustproofer
- Concrete subjected to mild chemical attack
- Manufacturing plants
- Floor restoration projects
Test Data
- Total Solids Content: 70%
- Color: Clear amber
- Mixed Viscosity: 60 cps
- Pot Life @ 70°F, 2 Gallon Volume: 35 minutes
- Thin Film Dry Time @ 70°F: < 4 hours
- % Elongation (ASTM D638): 38%
- Clean tools and equipment with solvents such as SpecChem Solvent 100, Xylene, Toluene, or MEK. Do not allow to harden on equipment.