SpecChem > Products > SpecRock


Pourable, cement-based, non-shrinking, quick-setting anchoring cement

SpecRock is a high-performance, one-component, waterproof, non-shrink, Portland cement-based anchoring cement. It sets hard within 12-15 minutes and exhibits controlled expansion, effectively locking into surrounding concrete. SpecRock ES (Extended Set) offers a longer set time of 60-75 minutes, ideal for hot weather conditions above 90°F, providing more flexibility during application.

  • Quick Setting: Hardens in 12-15 minutes, accelerating production.
  • High Strength: Achieves up to 2000 psi within one hour at 72°F.
  • Controlled Expansion: Expands during setting for superior locking.
  • Durability: Waterproof and resistant to freeze/thaw cycles, ensuring longevity in direct water exposure environments.
  • Versatile Application: Flowable and pourable consistency makes it user-friendly for various outdoor applications.
  • Extended Work Time: SpecRock ES variant is designed for longer working times in high temperatures.

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet
Sell Sheet


SpecRock is recommended for securely anchoring:

  • Bolts, reinforcing rods, and columns.
  • Railings, fences, and small machines.
  • Handrails, bridge railings, and posts.
  • Signs, pulleys, and motors.

Surface Preparation

  1. Drill holes into sound concrete to accommodate the anchor or bolt, typically three times wider than the embedded object.
  2. Ensure holes allow for easy material flow around the object.
  3. Optionally, “mushroom” the base of the hole to increase anchorage by tilting the drill during operation.
  4. Clean out holes thoroughly, removing all dust and debris, and dampen, but do not saturate, the walls.

Mixing and Placement

  • Mix only the amount that can be used within 8 minutes to a pancake batter consistency using clean water (approximately 16.7% by weight).
  • Pour the mixed grout continuously to avoid air pockets, ensuring full and comprehensive contact with the base plate. The recommended minimum placement thickness is 1 inch, with a maximum of 18 inches per lift.

Mixing Instructions

  • Prepare by adding water to achieve the desired consistency; avoid over-watering to maintain strength and integrity.
  • For high-flow applications, reduce the amount of aggregate up to 25% by weight for easier placement.


Available in 50 lb pails or bags.

Shelf Life

Shelf life of 18 months when stored properly in a cool, dry area between 45°F and 90°F.

Test Data

  • Compressive Strength: Reaches 2000 psi in 1 hour, 5000 psi in 1 day, and 8000 psi in 28 days.
  • Flexural Strength: 1250 psi at 28 days.
  • Pull-Out Strength: Up to 19,300 lbs depending on anchor and depth.