SpecChem > Products > SpecShield WB Extra

SpecShield WB Extra

High solids silane-siloxane water-based penetrating sealer

SpecShield WB EXTRA is a 100% reactive, waterborne silane-siloxane sealer. This clear, penetrating, and breathable water repellent is designed for use on both horizontal and vertical, interior and exterior, above-grade concrete or masonry surfaces. By penetrating the surface and bonding directly with the substrate, SpecShield WB EXTRA ensures a surface that is highly resistant to both moisture and salt attack.


  • Protects concrete and masonry surfaces such as decks, pavements, parking structures, ramps, bridges, and marine platforms against the corrosive effects of de-icing salts, moisture, and weathering to prevent spalling and deterioration.
  • Provides an excellent chloride screen.
  • Ensures superior water repellency while maintaining breathability.
  • Durable, long-lasting protection for both new and old concrete surfaces.
  • Dries tack-free and skid-resistant.
  • Water-based, colorless, and non-yellowing formulation.
  • Actual VOC = 0 grams per liter, demonstrating environmental safety.

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet
Sell Sheet


  • Equipment: Use of a low pressure, non-atomizing sprayer is highly recommended.

Application Instructions

  • New concrete surfaces should be dry, well cured (minimum 14 days) and free of moisture, curing residue, dust, debris, oil, and contaminants to ensure effective penetration.
  • Apply generously using a low pressure sprayer and adjust the application rate on very porous surfaces. Follow a wet-on-wet method without allowing excess to dry on the surface.


  • Available in 55-gallon drums and 5-gallon pails.

Shelf Life

  • Containers should be sealed and stored in a clean, dry area between 45-85°F. Shelf life is two years in unopened containers.


  • Coverage Rate: Depends on surface porosity:
    • Extremely Porous surfaces: 100-125 ft²/gal
    • Broom finish: 150-200 ft²/gal
    • Smooth concrete: 200-350 ft²/gal

Test Data

  • Type: Organofunctional siloxane and silane
  • Flash Point: Greater than 200°F
  • Color: Water clear
  • Resistance to UV rays: Excellent