SpecChem > Products > SpecStrip Ultra Blue

SpecStrip Ultra Blue

A premium blue reactive form release agent

SpecStrip Ultra Blue is a chemically active release agent designed to ensure a clean release of concrete from wood, steel, and aluminum forms. This product is free from diesel, kerosene, waxes, and silicones, offering a pleasant smell and compatibility with elastomeric and urethane form liners.

  • Enhances the release of formwork, reducing concrete buildup
  • Minimizes the need for cleaning formwork and liners
  • Provides protection against rust
  • Leaves no residue, stains, or discoloration on forms
  • Effectively extends the life of wood forms and reduces concrete surface voids

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet
Sell Sheet


  • Ensure form surfaces are clean of dirt, rust, scale, and concrete buildup prior to application.
  • Recommended to apply using a spray with an atomizing or misting tip for thin, uniform films, enhancing product performance and economic use.
  • Typical coverage rates are:
    • Steel, Plastic, Fiberglass: 2000 sq ft/gal
    • Conditioned Aluminum: 2000 sq ft/gal
    • HDO Plywood: 2000 sq ft/gal
    • MDO Plywood: 1500 sq ft/gal
    • Dimensional Lumber: 1000 sq ft/gal
    • BB Grade Plywood: 1000 sq ft/gal
  • Remove any excess material or puddles with a squeegee and absorbent rags to avoid over-application and dusting.


Available in 275-gallon totes, 55-gallon drums, and 5-gallon pails.

Shelf Life

Two years from the date of manufacture when stored in the original tightly closed containers.


  • VOC content: <250 g/L
  • Complies with EPA, Corps of Engineers CEGS-03300, Section 10.8 Form Coating, Navy Dock and Piers 56359, and OTC regulations.