Total Patch 
Very rapid setting multi-purpose concrete repair mortar
Total Patch is a very rapid-setting, multi-purpose concrete repair mortar suitable for applications where high early strength and rapid resumption of traffic are required. This product is formulated to meet the stringent standards of ASTM C928 and AASHTO T260, offering exceptional durability and ease of application without the need for liquid activators. It is designed for both horizontal (from featheredge to 4 inches) and vertical form and pour applications.
- One-component, dry-polymer modified mortar, just add water.
- Flowable consistency that is easy to use and suitable for horizontal and formed vertical applications.
- Air entrained for excellent freeze-thaw durability.
- Can handle traffic within 1 hour of setting at 73°F.
- Can be applied from feather edge to 4 inches without extension.

Surface Preparation:
- Ensure the concrete is sound and free from all foreign materials, including oil, grease, dust, laitance, and other surface contaminants.
- Saw cut the perimeter of the repair area 1/8 inch deeper than the repair depth to create a notched, reinforced edge.
- Mechanically abrade the surface to a minimum Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) of 6 as per ICRI Guideline 310.2.
Priming/Scrub Coat:
- Clean all exposed steel reinforcing of rust and coat with SpecPrep SB.
- Ensure prepared concrete is in a saturated-surface-damp (SSD) condition and prime with SpecPrep SB using a spray or brush. Apply the repair mortar wet on wet or within the recommended open time.
- Mix 7.0 to 9.0 pints of clean water per 50-pound bag of Total Patch using a low-speed drill or mortar mixer.
- Add water to the container first, then gradually add the Total Patch powder.
- Mix for 2-3 minutes until smooth, only mixing what can be used within the setting period.
Deep Applications:
- For heavy traffic areas over 2 inches, extend Total Patch with clean, SSD, 3/8 inch aggregate up to 60% by weight. Adjust the total mixing water based on the moisture content of the aggregate.
- Trowel or screed Total Patch firmly into the prepared area, ensuring good contact with the bonding surface.
- Allow the material to set initially before finishing by hand troweling. Excessive troweling is not required.
- Available in 50 lb bags and 3000 lb SuperSacks.
Shelf Life
- 12 months when stored in unopened containers in a dry facility between 45°F and 90°F.
Test Data
- Set Time at 70°F (ASTM C-266): Initial Set: 12 minutes, Final Set: 15 minutes.
- Compressive Strength (ASTM C109):
- 1 hour: 3500 psi
- 1 day: 5400 psi
- 7 days: 6200 psi
- 28 days: 7100 psi