SpecChem > Products > TriAct


Multipurpose form treatment concentrate

Tri-Act is a versatile, concentrated mineral oil-based mixture designed to streamline your inventory by serving three critical functions in concrete construction and maintenance:

  1. Reactive Form Release Agent: Prevents concrete from bonding to forms, ensuring easy removal.
  2. Aluminum Form Seasoning Agent: Prepares new aluminum forms for use, enhancing their longevity and performance.
  3. Concrete Softener and Maintenance Coating: Softens concrete buildup on tools and equipment, facilitating easier cleaning.

By combining these capabilities, Tri-Act offers a cost-effective solution to reduce the need for multiple specialty products, packaged in convenient 5-gallon pails for ease of transport.

  • Consolidates Inventory: Simplifies product management and reduces costs by fulfilling multiple roles.
  • Versatile Use: Acts as both a form release agent and a maintenance coating for tools and forms.
  • Effective Protection: Forms a barrier to prevent concrete adhesion and buildup.
  • Easy Cleanup: Softens concrete on equipment, allowing for straightforward removal with power washing.

Tech Sheet
Safety Sheet


  1. Form Release Agent: Dilute Tri-Act with VOC-compliant oil and apply to form surfaces before concrete placement for easy form removal.
  2. Aluminum Form Seasoning: Season new aluminum forms with a diluted mixture of Tri-Act, allowing them to set overnight for optimal performance.
  3. Concrete Softener/Remover: Apply undiluted Tri-Act to areas with heavy buildup, letting it work before removing softened concrete with a scraper or power washer.


Available in 275-gallon totes, 55-gallon drums, and 5-gallon pails, Tri-Act is designed for ease of use and storage in a variety of settings.

Shelf Life

Tri-Act has a shelf life of 2 years when stored in its original, tightly sealed container, away from contaminants.


Tri-Act is VOC compliant, ensuring it meets strict environmental standards for use.