5 Step Guide to Applying a Form Release Agent

Step 1: Preparing the Form
Before you start applying the form release agent, make sure the form is clean and dry. Any dirt or moisture left on the form can affect the quality of the concrete casting. You should also check that the form is in good condition, with no cracks or damages that may cause the concrete to leak.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Form Release Agent
There are many different types of form release agents available, including oil-based and water-based. Oil-based agents are the most common, and provide good protection against sticking. Water-based agents are more environmentally friendly and have little to no odor, but are susceptible to freezing. Some examples of our oil-based form release agents are SpecStrip, SpecStrip Plus and SpecStrip Supreme. SpecChem’s water-based form release agents include SpecStrip WB and BioStrip WB.

Step 3: Applying the Form Release Agent
Begin by spraying the form release agent evenly onto the surface of the form. Be careful to avoid any drips or puddles, as these can create imperfections on the concrete surface. Spray the form release agent in a consistent manner, ensuring that all surfaces are covered.

Step 4: Applying the Concrete
Once the form release agent is applied, you can start placing the concrete. It is best practice to check forms for good coat of form release agent if forms are left for an extended period of time.

Step 5: Removing the Form
Once the concrete has set, it’s time to remove the form. Start by gently tapping the form, to see if the concrete has set enough to come out. If it feels firm, you can start removing the form. If the form release agent was applied correctly, the form should pull away from concrete with relative ease.



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