SpecLevel PCT-Gray
SpecLevel PCT-Gray is a cement-based, self-leveling polishable concrete topping. It creates a consistent gray architectural finish when polished, offering a dense, hard surface ready for diamond polishing in as little as 24 hours. Mix with water, pour or pump it, and it will self-level to form a smooth, durable surface. SpecLevel PCT-Gray dries to a light concrete gray and can accept integral color or stains.
- Self-Leveling: No troweling required.
- Quick Setting: Diamond polishable in 24 hours.
- Customizable Finish: Accepts integral color and concrete stains.
- Durable Surface: Produces a smooth, tough, wearable surface.
- USDA Accepted: Suitable for a variety of applications.

- Follow all ACI recommendations.
- Remove all contaminants such as dirt, grease, and loose materials.
- Profile concrete substrates to a minimum CSP #4; shot blasting is preferred.
- Prime with SpecPoxy 1000 at approximately 100 sq. ft. per gallon.
- Apply using a notched squeegee, broom, or roller.
- While the epoxy is still wet, broadcast coarse dry sand to refusal.
- Allow to dry for a minimum of 12 hours, then remove loose sand before applying SpecLevel PCT-Gray.
Mixing Instructions
- Small Batches: Mix 7 pints of water per 50 lb. bag for 3 minutes.
- Large Batches: For 3-4 bags, mix for 4-5 minutes.
- Pumping: Mix for 3 minutes in the pump’s mixing tank.
- Extended Mix: Add 15 pounds of 3/8” pea gravel per 50 lb. bag during the last minute of mixing for extended applications.
- Pour SpecLevel PCT-Gray over the substrate and spread with a long-handled spreader or gauge rake.
- Self-levels in the first 20 minutes at 70°F.
- Accepts foot traffic in 2-4 hours.
- Use cleated shoes during installation for best results.
50 lb. Bag: Covers approximately 15 sq. ft. at 3/8” thickness.
Shelf Life
- Shelf Life: 12 months in unopened bags stored in a dry facility.
- Storage: Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight.
- Thickness: Apply from 3/8” up to 1.5”. For thickness up to 5”, add pea gravel.
- High-load Traffic: Floors subject to high-load rubber-wheeled traffic require a minimum of 1/2”.
- Foot Traffic: Accepts foot traffic within 3 to 4 hours depending on job site conditions.
Test Data
- Set Time at 70°F (ASTM C266): Initial Set 60 min, Final Set 100 min
- Compressive Strength (ASTM C109): 1 day 2500 psi, 7 days 4000 psi, 28 days 5000 psi
- Bond Strength (ASTM C882 modified): 7 days 1350 psi
- Flexural Strength (ASTM C348): 28 days 1100 psi
- Yield/Density: Yield per bag 0.45 cu-ft (135 lbs/cu-ft)
Clean tools, pumps, and equipment with water before SpecLevel PCT-Gray hardens.