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Saturated Surface Dry & Grout Placement

Surface Preparation Surfaces to be grouted should be clean and free from rust, dirt, grime, oil, curing compound and any other contaminants that will inhibit

How to Grout

Preparation Concrete Substrate Cleaning, roughening, and presoaking the concrete substrate with water for 18-24 hours are essential steps to be taken before placing grout. Cleaning

What Causes Concrete Spalling?

Concrete spalling is the process of flaking or chipping of the surface of concrete. This typically occurs when the concrete is exposed to freezing and

Hot and Cold Weather Grouting

Hot Weather Grouting As the grout temperature approaches 30°C (85°F) the working time of the grout will be approximately one half of the working time

Tips For Successful Sealers

Concrete sealers serve a very necessary purpose in the beautification and protection of concrete surfaces. The following is a list of guidelines that should be

General Surface Preparation

Success of concrete repair begins with proper surface preparation, correct planning, and attention to detail. As with any repair, ICRI guidelines regarding surface preparation should

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